DDS2008 copy

Thursday, January 31, 2008

yutaka sone

there's a lot that this guy does thats not really my cup of tea, but his urban marble pieces are way up there. get a barcelona coffee top with this under it and you one everyone else nothing. This is over at the Cleveland Museum of Art. Building for the future. planning for a better tomorrow.

Friday, January 25, 2008


a few new collaboration tees up at we sold out. no other shirt looks better turned inside out. like men are the new women. Inside out's the new rights side front.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


central square alley

Monday, January 21, 2008


Wednesday, January 09, 2008

foreign family

it really kills me that I can't pull off any of these guyzes shirts cuz there's some great detail in them. If you got anything from DG during the holiday season yall know what i mean with their wreath sticker. Im definately loosing street cred every day spent in academia. MR44's tour will stop in tokyo (dominic if your not in the studio) and at Bread and Butter Barcelona.

Monday, January 07, 2008

unkle x beinghunted

way before the blogglin and lurk free, and back when you could see sedement at the bottom of snapple bottles, beinghunted was breaking news on surrender, serum vs. venom, and was one of the first online collaberation experts. check out their latest interview with James lavelle to see whats crackin with those guys. no news unfortunately with mwa, but thats the british way. And if your not really a fan of the direction their music's gone you can atleast pick up their 7 inches for the art.

Friday, January 04, 2008

know your enemy

zandar_zartan's brother
zanzibar_dreadnok pirate
dreadnok_code name: torch
monkeywrech_dreadnok *
golobulus_cobra-la ruler

*lost in a trade to John Labordi from down the street